Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How To Charge A Dell In Europe

wish for 2010 Cartoon


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Types Of Italian Deli Meats

OPS! ... Errata!

Mi è appena arrivato l'ultimo numero di Decorative e Countrypainting ed ho visto che è stato inserito solo uno dei miei progetti: il banner gomitoloso.
Mi scuso per avervi dato una informazione sbagliata, probabilmente avevo capito male.
Penso proprio che il piatto porta dolci lo troverete nella prossima uscita....nel frattempo però divertitevi con i gomitoli lanosi, vi assicuro che realizzarli è un vero spasso...
Ah! e comunque i progetti di questo numero sono davvero tutti belli, .... io mi sono innamorata di una cassetta della frutta trasformata in una cassetta brings gifts ...... beautifully colored Christmas .... I will try to realize it!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Throat Cancer Ribbon Colors

dish for the Christmas holidays ...

Here I am to do it again ...
I had confirmation that in the next issue of "Country and Decorative Painting", in addition to the banner ball, there is also this project created a dish for the Christmas holidays, perhaps to be used to hold chocolates and candy in plain sight!
I assure you that it is very easy implementation, and armed with brushes, colors and ... candy !!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Legal Resident Disability Benefits

... advances ...

With a little advance the public there is a photo of my project to be published in the next issue of "Country and Decorative painting."

support is the same banner I used for the "welcome fall", so if any of you has bought from Thomas in the various fairs, can take the opportunity to use it for a "welcome" winter .. . Of course you'll find explanations and step by step photos to be able to achieve.

I remind you that this magazine can be found at many newsstands, all'edicolante ... if you can take it, or you can make a subscription, so you're sure not to miss a number.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Is The Fastest Flatbed Scanner

... Ahhh! .... THE FAIR !!!!!!

thanks to all the new and old (no age ... ahem!) Friends che sono venute a trovarmi alle fiere. Ogni anno l'esperienza fiera è sempre più gratificante, sia dal punto di vista artistico che umano.
Anche quest'anno ero con un gran gruppo di lavoro, .....accanto al Bottalico's stand c'era il team di Luigina che è sempre una garanzia ed io sono stata straccocolata (complice anche qualche magagna fisica!!!!) da Tommaso, Angela e Francesca.
Purtroppo non ero in perfetta forma fisica e quindi non ho potuto assaporare fino in fondo il magico clima che queste fiere sanno regalare, ma nonostante ciò, ......ho passato dei giorni indimenticabili, faticosi sì, ma ricchi di soddisfazioni, joy and friendship. Already my head is doing the countdown for the upcoming spring edition ..... ARE MALATAAAAAAAAAA HEAD ????????? No, I do not think ... I just finally found my "creative habitats", the right synergy of people, situations, human relationships and business that make me feel good, really good!

Two lines I write to congratulate the entire "team teachers" Country of the Convention. A preview of Vicenza have been exposed to work proposed for the next edition and I am very beautiful, but beautiful beautiful! (Yes ... there are also mine, but the compliments were directed to my colleagues, of course !!!!) Strasicura that are in Riccione in April we expect sensational three days .... I can not wait!

I leave you with a couple of photos stolen from Angela's blog, since I do not get it .... thanks Angela ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pain In Cheek Of Mouth

on "Barriers in the Churches"

Sticker on " Barriers in the Churches "

site dell'ANMIC di Faenza che ho progettato e gestisco uno dei responsabili dell'associazione locale ha prodotto una vignetta sulle barriere che voglio condividere,per una migliore visualizzazione cliccate nel link:
Spero sia di stimolo ad attivarsi per abbatterle nelle nostre comunità.
Grazie da Roberto

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pneumonia And Mystic Tan

Ho ricevuto via email e trovo utile per i non vedenti (da Barnabè Roberto):

Regalati! o regala the Bible in audio and DVD sustain gives you the opportunity to get you or a gift of great value, indeed an eternal value.
Also with the purchase of the Bible on DVD, encased in a beautiful gift box, involved in supporting the work of CRC.

Content work:
120 hours of recording, a full reading of the Bible: Old and New Testament.
are two DVD discs, encased in an elegant box, you can hear anywhere on the computer or with the DVD player (mp3).
Suitable for those always in the car, is an excellent travel companion for the blind, elderly, etc..
Listening To facilitate and track the various steps, the books were divided into folders and each folder contains a chapter. Example: If you want to listen to Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, just open the folder named "John" and open the file "John 17.mp3".
Version Revised Standard Version.

The New American Bible - DVD
Author: Armando Fabbri
Publisher: Oxford Tassinari - Florence

cost of each box: 10 €, more transport costs € 2, for quantities up to 10 copies.
For churches and communities which order quantities over 10, please contact us.
Payment by bank or post office.
After the request will be provided with all the payment details.
The shipment will be made after payment is received.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Name For A Frozen Yogurt Shop


Here they are ... finally ready to be presented as it should. This is the result of three months of intense work. Needless to say I have a lot of fun to create, but to keep certain rhythms of work, I'm a little little bit of sleep, chissssenefrega .... but ... the result satisfies me, and most importantly ... create more and more I desire to be always with brushes in hand! And then ... the series ..... "And does not end here," ... my crazy brain is already working on other designs .....
Now let the space to the photos ....
autumn ... let's start with the projects!

Pattern complete with instruction in Italian, drawing, color chart and a photo.
Pattern complete with instructions in Italian design tabes Corsivo lla colors and 2 photos.
Pattern complete with instructions in Italian. designs, table and 4 color photos.
Pattern complete with instruction in Italian, drawings, tables and 2 color photos.
And now, here's to you Mr. Winter .....
Pattern complete with instructions, drawings, table and 4 color photos.
Pattern completa di istruzioni, disegni, tabella colore e 4 foto.
Pattern completa di istruzioni in italiano, disegni, tabella colore e 5 foto.



These little creations will make the first public appearance Oct. 2 to 4 at ' HOBBY SHOW Rome at the stand of Thomas Drummond (Tommy-Shop Stand B5) . If Rome is uncomfortable, the ... Thomas will always bring with him to "walk" for the various fairs .... HOBBY SHOW Milan (Hall Stand E44), enables the creative world of Vicenza and Bologna .... So look for Thomas and you will find my designs!

If the fairs are not to your programs, they can find the new online shop Tommy that soon will open its doors or write me an email and I'll be at your disposal for further information!

few days will open its doors to all our fairs of the heart .... do not know about you, but I'm euphoric, like a little girl in front of the gift packs .....! !!

I remind you that I will be in Milan to the hobby SHOW Ability to Vicenza from Thomas always there and look, not only for the courses that I will, but also for the countrysaluti and know in person ....


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can Implantation Occur Two Days After Intercourse


Quest 'year courses in which I will keep Fairs Hobby Show in Milan and Vicenza Cleverly, I decided to offer two types of Christmas decorations and a sympathetic heart autumn and winter.
You'll find stockings and snowflakes to be attached to your tree to make it more cheerful Christmas and a cute heart ready to heat the house with its warm autumnal colors.
Individual projects are part of the new patterns that you can find for sale at the stand.

All courses will last two hours and a half, at a cost of 30 € which includes support and equipment consumption (use of colors and brushes).
E 'need to be punctual to avoid delaying the start of the course avoiding to exceed the times too.

not need to have experience of this technique, the projects are simple and accessible to all.

Signing up is easy, just send me an email, specifying all the details of the course (name of the fair name of the course, hours and days). I'll reply with an email confirmation.

If you just need information, please email me ... I am at your disposal for any clarification.

RICORDO CHE TUTTI I MIEI CORSI SI TERRANNO PRESSO LO STAND DI TOMMASO BOTTALICO (TOMMY SHOP). A Vicenza troverete una grande collaborazione artistica tra Tommy Shop ed il "c'era una volta" di Luigina....non potete mancare!

Qui a seguire vi posto il calendario dei corsi con le foto dei progetti...

17 e 18 ottobre 2009



22-23-24-25 ottobre 2009





These photos are a taste of those who are new patterns, which will be available by next day by Thomas Drummond that will lead them in their booths in the fairs "hobby" Italian.

In the coming days I'll post the complete picture of the patterns.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Difference Between Archicad And Autocad

We're almost there ....

little lacking, the time is short and I finally managed to finish the new projects for exhibitions. Now I'm going to "Tipp-stopper" to write all the compiuter patterns.
Of all the projects done, I'm choosing the most suitable for courses in the coming days and I will give you all the detailed and definitive information on schedules and plans will also put photos of those I have chosen.
Then, for those interested to join, or needed more information, ..... are available, it will be enough to send me an email . I will be happy to respond.
News Preview: This year, in addition to the fair in Vicenza, SARO 'THIS ALSO Hobby Show in Milan. Mi troverete il sabato 17 e domenica 18 ottobre presso lo stand di TOMMASO BOTTALICO e terrò corsi, corsi, e ancora corsi!
A prestissimoooooooo...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vinyl Templates Wall Boating Fish

DVD Audio Bible calls the poor, the lame, the blind

called poor, the lame, the blind

obey Christ?

Luke 14:12-24

12 said also to him who had invited him: "When you make a lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives, nor rich neighbors, because they might also invite you, and so you would have made the requital; 13 but when you give a banquet, called poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because have no way to reciprocate, because you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just made. " 15 One of the guests, heard this, he said, "Blessed are those who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God! " 16 Jesus said to him:" A man prepared a great supper and invited many; 17 and supper, he sent his servant to say to guests: "Come, for all is ready. " 18 Together they began to apologize. The first said: "I bought a field and I need to go see it, I beg your pardon." 19 Another said: "I bought five yoke of oxen and am going to try, I beg your pardon." 20 Another said: "I got married, and therefore I can not come." 21 The servant returned and told his lord these things. Then the landlord became angry and said to his servant, 'Go quickly into the streets and the streets of the city, and bring in here the poor, the crippled, the blind and lame ". 22 And the servant said, Lord, has done as you commanded, and there is still room. " 23 The Lord said to the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house is full. 24 For I say unto you that none of those men who had been invited, will taste my dinner. "

Your our communities and apply this commandment of Christ? Think about it and if we do not let us in line and open to the evangelical churches knowing that we will last the fruit to the glory of our Signore.Grazie anticipated by Roberto Barnabè

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wedding Vendor Contract Template

... and I will be there !!!!!

Che dire?
Anche quest'anno ci sarò.
Abbiamo creato un bel gruppo di lavoro e così nello stesso stand, potrete trovare allegria, professionalità, simpatia, amore per il decorative e per il country e tanto tanto ancora e tutto prende il nome di Barbara Pallaro, Luigina Gerardi e Tommaso Bottalico ! What do you think??
I am looking forward to it, it takes me a good overdose of creativity and laughter ....
Although ... Speaking of overdose, say that at this time ..... every spare moment to be a minute or an hour, ... are armed with brushes and paints to prepare new projects. I can not reveal anything yet and that is why I'm not running anything on my blog ... so I do not think that meeting with our hands, anziiiiiii .....
In particular, I am preparing for winter and autumn, new projects will be presented at upcoming trade shows and for the next three new Progettone edition of the convention (these will be visible in the preview as early as October ...)
As for my plans, ... first of all ...
as I mentioned some time ago ... my work is just "signed" (ah, ah, ah, ... I feel very stylist at this time ....!) BARBARA countryart. The mo-long dream country projects and initiatives and through Luigina from some of our roads do not have uniforms, but they are facing and we thank you so much because it gives the opportunity for this "country chicken" to open a little at a time its wings e di spiccare.....piccoli balzi!!!!
E per questi piccoli voli (anche se ancora a raso terraaaa!!!) devo ringraziare anche Tommaso che mi da l'opportunità di far conoscere i miei progetti un pò in tutta italia, .... siete interessati infatti, tutte le mie creazioni ancora "top secret" e i progetti della prima convention saranno disponibili presso i suoi stand alle varie fiere ...(hobby show, abilmente, a Bologna, a Bergamo e chi più ne ha più ne metta!!!
Un pò alla volta spero di mettere a vostra disposizione più lavori milllllle possible considering the ideas I have for the head, for a year but still can not create a full-time ... the mother's heart does not make me give up a moment the little Matthew, and I see .. "forced" to wait going to the nursery.
So you still have a little patience, working at night is not always easy, but I assure you that in my little country are growing some really cool stuff!
So ... I will look for cleverly .... Come to visit just to say hi.
For those who will be interested in doing a corset, this year will propose just one or two courses per day, ma della durata di tre ore circa, ....spero così di evitare, per quanto possibile, i corsi speedy caratteristici delle fiere. Ma di questo vi parlerò più avanti quando le cose saranno del tutto definite.
Non mi resta altro che augurarvi a tutte delle bellissime vacanze!!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Find Information On Mason Jars As Lamps


Domenica 28 giugno ho fatto il mio primo corso di decorative. Il decorative è una tecnica che non mi ha mai particolarmente attratto, ma ultimamente la mia mente creativa aveva bisogno di spaziare, di essere un pò meno "rigida", ....avevo e ho il desiderio di creare in spontaneità.
So ... why not make a nice decoration course? And why not become a good teacher good, really good? ... And then, that done by Luigina Thomas Drummond was to take a basic course and I ... I jumped into this new adventure.
I'm surprised by myself, after a worrying start (but it's always like this are like a diesel, but when giving birth, childbirth ..!), ... The leaves have begun to be leaves, the ... roses being roses .... and satisfaction!! Sure, it's just the beginning .. but I like that I did not think, but I really like and I'm sure you go into this technique.
I knew that Thomas was really good, but it is amazing work. Finished the course, took a big bottle .. that Roberta had left incomplete with only a basic buttermilk and he, ... in ten minutes, zac zac ...., .. turned it into a work of art ...
For now, however these days I'm back to my country ..... under my hands, there are new projects that will be presented in varie fiere che partiranno da settembre, .. e la mia mente sta già lavorando anche per quelli della seconda edizione della convention....nel frattempo, per chi fosse interessato, ..nell'ultimo numero di "decorative e country painting" uscito in questi giorni, c'è un mio progetto muccoso: trattasi di bannerino primaverile che ho inserito su un portavasi rettangolare, ma che, se ingrandito, può essere usato anche come welcome.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Everclear 190 California


...meravigliosa KIM!
There are other adjectives to describe it ... a great teacher and a wonderful person ... always willing to share with us his "secrets" professional. I have not attended many courses with the great American painters, but this was by far the one that gave me more.

Personally I had a moment of panic, due to a way to use the brushes completely different from what we know, but then, .... I opened a new world. The two days were intense, full of discoveries and experiences with the enthusiasm that can have a child in the first days of school. Beautiful, just beautiful!!
to you some photos ....

and ... KIM
When you come back ???????

Claudia's expression to see what Kim did, says a lot ... ... all super careful not to lose even a small step ... lots of new things to learn


Come già detto, ..non si è risparmiata a farci vedere tantissime sue tecniche, anche quelle che non avevano a che fare con il progetto del corso. Qui era alle prese con vines e alberi.