Monday, February 22, 2010

8 Month Old Baby Has Dry Cough

Sometimes They Come Back ... Country

Sometimes I like to cover work already done. Some are tied to specific periods such as this ... I did it immediately after attending the course with Kim Hogue, .. a year ago. Taken by the enthusiasm that this great teacher had sent me, I remember very well that to paint, I had filled my palette of infinite shades !!!!! Kim was contagious ...

I have written to determine if a proposed sale .... No, it's a project that you can find the number 16 (October-November 2009) and Decorative Countrypainting (lotus editions). It can take back in, .. or searching through magazines Thomas Hobby will show in Milan in late March.

Kim will also be the second convention, .... I can not wait to see her. Land of the free demos and knowing it, the demo will be full of lessons, given its well articulated and detailed technique. Besides, who has known can confirm ... is a hoot of a woman. With her, we laugh, have fun, learn ...

Friday, February 5, 2010

How Long Do Biopsy Results Take For Sinus Tumors?



There is a category which I think is just reached or approached by the evangelist's grace in Christ Jesus who is homeless (commonly also called tramps, beggars, homeless or homelles) referred to in our major cities there is a increased presence in the marginal sites (such as stations for example). Having recently personally met some of them I was able to Faenza and Bologna note that many among them are people of high culture that have been found in conditions and situations of hardship and crisis (such as those who know me will know that traumatic events have occurred in recent years also in my life both from a financial standpoint, that financial health that, but I was able to overcome them and face the best and useful way to faith in Christ Jesus, who twenty years ago has become my Lord and Saviour, who supported me and guided by the Holy Spirit, who I she won the wiles of the world in which we live today without being part) that they have done for the most part choose to escape the so-called civilized world to take refuge in the supposed freedom of street life (Because I do not think it is truly free when the cold season is always looking for temporary shelters and unwelcoming or are victims as we see in the news the last time any kind of violence, including sexual, in fact often soppraffazioni and some were burned, burned, because as has happened in Rimini considered by their executioners, bored, lovers of night as junk to be eliminated). How many times have we of witnesses' gospel we shared our faith with them? How many times but we have avoided and we have changed the religious way as the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:20-22)? (In our ego often times we do not want to get closer to them because we see them dirty, ugly, annoying or smelly, so no pleasure in worldly not conform to the fees we assimilated into the broad way that we want to avoid disturbing the way). Think about it, because it is too easy to go from who we like, or who gives us more visibility in the media, if we are servants of Christ, we must imitate his availability to the last, the outcast, the despised that he favored compared to the powerful and self-righteous hypocrites of the time of his incarnation. Do not be ashamed to be seen talking with them, because otherwise it is useless to enlightened and powerful speeches from the pulpits of our communities, that these are ends in themselves, becoming a mask that hides a different reality of people with a limitato rapporto personale con l'Eterno; perchè in ciò non testimoniamo e pratichiamo pietà ed amore per i perduti,cui nascondiamo l'opportunità della vita eterna che noi godiamo nella misericordia e grazia divina manifestata dal suo verbo ;tutto ciò che qualcuno ci ha fatto conoscere e senza la quale anche noi miseri peccatori saremmo stati condannati per l'eternità non avendo in noi la sufficiente capacità e sapienza per riconoscere il nostro stato e trovare la Via,la Verità e la Vita in Gesù. Forse diciamo che già facciamo loro senza coinvolgimenti diretti la carità o che partecipiamo ad iniziative benefiche verso i più poveri,ma questo non basta perchè per noi figli del Re è insufficiente coprire i land relief material needs of the homeless without remembering to let him know the essentials are eternal heavenly, we must not delegate the work to them only to the 'Salvation Army' but we have become effective tools to make Accessibbile the Word of Life at all lost not only the disabled, handicapped and mentally but also to all the underprivileged forgotten and avoided by all, to strengthen and stimulate it, here are some biblical passages: Proverbs 28:27

For those who give to the poor there ' is poverty, but
who closes his eyes will have great curses.
Proverbs 31:8-9

8 Open mouth for the speechless, in defense of all
gli sventurati.
9 Apri la bocca e giudica con equità
e rendi giustizia all'infelice e al povero.
Matteo 11:5

I ciechi ricuperano la vista, gli storpi camminano, i lebbrosi sono guariti, i sordi riacquistano l'udito, i morti risuscitano, ai poveri è predicata la buona novella ,
Luca 16:19-31

19 C'era un uomo ricco, che vestiva di porpora e di bisso e tutti i giorni banchettava lautamente. 20 Un mendicante, di nome Lazzaro, giaceva alla sua porta, coperto di piaghe, 21 bramoso di sfamarsi di quello che cadeva dalla mensa del ricco. Perfino i cani venivano a leccare le sue piaghe. 22 Un giorno il povero morì e fu portato dagli angeli in the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 'In his torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 Then he said, shouting: "Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that you received your good things in life and Lazarus his evil things: but now he is comforted and you are in agony. 26 Moreover, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that those who want to go from here you can not, or cost you can cross to us. 27 And he said, 'Then, father, I beg you to send in my father's house, 28 for I have five brothers. He may warn them, lest they be in this place of torment. 29 But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. 30 He said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. 31 Abraham replied, 'If they hear not Moses and the prophets, even if someone should rise from the dead will be persuaded. "
Galatians 2:10-13

10 Only, we should remember the poor: what I was eager to do.
11 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I withstood him to his face because he was clearly wrong. 12 For before that certain came from James, he used to eat together the Gentiles: but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, for fear of the circumcision. 13 And the other Jews did the same in the simulation, so that even Barnabas was carried away draw in their hypocrisy.

James 2:1-13 1 My brethren, do not mix personal favoritism to your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 Suppose someone comes into your assembly with a gold ring on his finger, dressed beautifully, and also comes in a poor man in shabby clothes. 3 If you look at who is beautifully dressed and say, 'You sit here comfortably, "and say to the poor:" You put yourself in the foot there, "or," Sit down here at my footstool, "4 is not made distinctions among yourselves and do not you become judges with evil thoughts?
5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor! Are not the rich who oppress you and drag you before the courts? 7 Are they not blaspheme the good name that was invoked over you? 8 Of course, if they fulfill the most important of the commandments according to Scripture: You shall love your neighbor as thyself, ye do well, 9 but if you make distinction of persons, ye commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. 10 For whoever keeps the whole the law and yet offend in one point has become guilty of all 11 For he that said: Thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, Thou shalt not kill.
Now if thou commit no adultery, but murder, you become a transgressor of the law. 12 Speak and act as if they are to be judged by the law of freedom, 13 because the trial will be without mercy to those who will not have mercy, but mercy triumphs in court.
After these manifestations of scriptural truth in concluding I would like us to reflect (I, for one that I limit myself to a few moments with them at the station waiting for the train) or if we deny we are still hampered in the past the opportunity access road with the gospel to the people of our prejudices and the consequent failure (the result of a lack of true Christian love and profitable) if so the next time we stop talking to them about Christ and what he has sown controlled in order to bear fruit to His glory.
Fraternal greetings from Barnabas Roberto

PS: the photo shows the monthly homeless Bologna

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chlorophyll For Healthy Hair

Covention ... is part !!!!!


A few days are officially open for the second edition of the Country Convention, to be held in Riccione, 16-17 and 18 April.

Yes, yes you read right, this year we have added a day .... we'll be together for three days in the company of paints, brushes, many courses and lots of laughter.
In this edition, in addition to Thomas, Isa, Silvia, Luigina e me, ci sarà anche Mila, una squadra composta da sei insegnanti, pazzi del country e pronti a proporvi ben 18 corsi.

Inutile ripetervi che oltre ad essere un'occasione per approfondire insieme questa tecnica, la Convention sarà sicuramente una bellissima occasione per conoscerci meglio e divertirci come dei pazzi (anche quando metteremo i pennelli a riposo)!!!!

Venerdì 16 aprile 2010
Corso di 8 ore

Friday is the day of Suca Baruch, a board that measures approximately 30x40.
Suca Baruch A curiosity ... is the name in the Venetian dialect Pumpkin Barucca (derived from the English "Berrueco" or "Verrueca" which means "with warts) that the pumpkin skin that has irregular, so warts. In the fact that pumpkins are not the ones I designed, but I liked the name. Suca baruch you say to children when accidentally banging his head ... "You did Suca baruch !!!!" .. How many times' I heard from my mom, and how many times I'm saying to my puppies!! There's even a nursery rhyme zucca barucca: Chi tocca di zucca, la zucca di Checca, fa zucca barucca e la zucca si ammacca. Che pacca, che schiocca!
Ecco svelato il significato di Suca Baruca, qualcuno non conoscendo il mio dialetto, ha anche pensato che fosse una parolaccia. Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Sabato 17 aprile 2010
Corso di 6 ore

Sabato 17 è dedicato al corso di Chicken love, un simpatico Three pegs hanger measuring about 25x30 cm. Love among the chickens is not always all roses! Maybe you can not see from the photo, but the glances with which the hen "burn out" the cock husband says a lot: perhaps the man of the house must be forgiven for something?

Sunday, April 18, 2010
course of eight hours
And here's the plan for Sunday: Lucky bag, a large bag of heavy cotton closed at the top with a zipper. It measures approximately 28x35 cm and has a depth of 10 cm.
... E 'gufoooooooo the back ... but this time in the spring version, and removed the scarf, there is perched on the branch, as if to protect his fortune to the house behind him.
A small anecdote about my owl. At the fair in Vicenza in October 2008, I saw Clare, my old friend, lost sight of since school .... in short, a real Caramba! The most absurd thing is that the point of contact, the person who both frequented at that time, Unbeknownst to each other was Silvia's Ghirigori who lives hundreds of miles from me who is from Clare. When you say that's a small world!
Clare has always been fond of owls, I made partaker of his regret that he could find no country painting projects with this wonderful person ... and this was the magic input to get to work and create my own. Maybe Clare will never read this post, but I take this opportunity to thank you anyway ... Perhaps without that conversation our owl would not be here! GRAZIEEEEE ...

BEH! Spoke too true??
But I also like being able to tell these stories.
Can give a "soul" to my projects and I like to let you know that behind a creative cluster of lines and colors, there is always a story, sometimes real, sometimes fictional, but always painted from the heart.

Ohhhh, yes. Now I just have to give you an appointment in April in Riccione. For much more information and to register for courses, go and visit the site Tommy , beautiful and mad, the organizer of this unique event in Italy.

One last thing.
On facebook there is a group dedicated to the Country Convention. Ask me or Angela Cirillo to join it, you'll find the enthusiasm with il quale stiamo vivendo queste ultime settimane d'attesa al grande evento.