Friday, March 26, 2010

Can Gatorade Cause Urine To Be Dark

PREVIEW PART TWO .... Home of the tulips!

Voglio la primaveraaaa!!!!

And here's the picture of the second project which will also be published shortly in the journal "decorative painting and country."
It's called ... The home of tulips and was created thinking of the spring so that I would like to come, but there is still a little wait! Well! Meanwhile, my brushes have decided to bring it forward ....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Happens If You Have A Low Pulse Rate

SPOILERS PART ONE .... Chicken Egg!

In my house the brushes are never still !!!!!
And luckily, I might add ....

Presa dai mille preparativi per la Convention che ormai è vicina, vicina, .... non dimentico comunque di creare anche qualcosina di nuovo.
Quindi vi lascio la foto di uno dei nuovi progetti che verranno pubblicati nei prossimi numeri della rivista "decorative e countrypainting".
Questo della foto è un progettino mooooooolto semplice, adatto anche a chi prende in mano il pennello per la prima volta: CHICKEN EGG!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lower Back Physical Therapy

KIM comes a few weeks!

Grande Kim!
Non saprei dire Another thinking of her.

As I have already written, will be the guest at the convention, which will brighten our eyes with the extraordinary demonstrations, with small projects that were created specially for the event.
But it does not end here! In fact, during this tour will also take courses in Italy.

Here are dates and places. We also put the link of the respective pages, where you can find all the information and photos of proposed projects. To register or just to inquire please feel free to write Silvia, Thomas and Luigi.

10 and 11 April 2010 in Cernobbio (Como)
by GIRIGORI of Silvia.

19 and 20 April 2010 in Riccione (RIMINI)

April 2010 at 00:25 Oriago Mira (Venice)