Thursday, May 6, 2010

Retirement Flyer Wording


COURSE OF April 16, 2010
Suca Baruch

OF COURSE April 17, 2010
Chicken Love

COURSE OF April 18, 2010
Lucky bag

COURSES, ... and more!

demonstrations KIM Hogue

Country The second convention is over.
That empty! What silence!
you at next edition ....

Cyclone Recovery "convention / kim ', .. here are some beautiful photos of those unforgettable days we spent in Riccione .
You've read around the various fb blog or on the various reports, I was not able to add things other than those already read, because your emotions are common to many other people: joy, happiness, friendship, taaaaaaanto country and a great desire that this convention does not ever end!

As a teacher I can add a couple of things. This year people came with a great desire to learn, to go home with their bag full of new artistic experiences. And these things we breathed in the air: many questions, little desire to remove the brushes from work, and a lot of enthusiasm in following our explanation. So, for us teachers is certainly an experience that has given us many satisfactions.
We worked a lot, but there were also moments of pure enjoyment without brushes ... lunch together, dinner party and the beautiful country with lots of dancing, evenings out together ... ... and what about the long night chats!

So leave the convention and the people who gave their lives was difficult. As always it was a great opportunity to make new friends, but also a way to meet and work with ... the great Italian and foreign professionals.

now you know all my admiration for this great woman, an extraordinary artist, teacher only.
convention prepared in demonstrations that could be mistaken for the real courses, we were all amazed to listen to all advice, tips that gave us all with his usual enthusiasm.

Let me just say thanks: Thanks to all the Covention, with all that (and those ! ) was inside, outside and all around.

And of course .... un ARRIVEDERCI alla prossima edizione!