Io ad Handimatica 2008 a Bologna
ieri (venerdì 29 novembre 2008)sono andato ad Handimatica alla fiera di Bologna (Tecnologie informatiche e telematiche per l’integrazione delle persone con disabilità) http://www.handimatica.it/
that despite the bad weather day I saw a great contribution not only to people with disabilities or professionals but also many young people and students (from three buses that I saw came from Trentino). The stands have increased greatly and I found it very useful material to be able to share with you soon as CDs, DVDs and catalogs of hardware and software for a variety of disabilities (such as Trakball, keyboard with guard, wrist rests, etc. .. which I have previously received through the Ausilioteca Bologna known in an earlier convention, instruments that allowed me to obtain the European Computer Driving Licence despite the slowness of my legs right arising from my illness "Parkinson's Parkinson's and still waiting for a tool to disable the tremor in the mouse created long ago and not yet in production and distribution in Italy) and the possibility of having knowledge and software (included in USB key) given to me by the Emilia-Romagna to create pages Web accessible to different disabilities knowing my efforts in trying to launch a Web site accessible to make God's Word available to more tutti.In I had the opportunity to have catalogs of talking books for the blind where they told me there is also the Holy Bible and resources for deaf and other handicap.Quindi in a little 'time I will have to let you know all the material that helps the prerogatives of this blog, and make accessible my sites according to the standards bodies confidential pubblici.Fraterni greetings to all in Christ by Barnabè Roberto
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