Barrier Staff
dear I would like to share the experience of yesterday in which I could not go because the cult is also teaching other people with physical difficulties. The brothers of my community Castrocaro last Tuesday at the end of the weekly Bible study told me that (yesterday's Sunday, May 17) the cult had no Castrocaro because they were invited to that of the Church of the Brethren in Cesena where there was participation of his brother Mark was there and Distort anche un agape e un programma pomeridiano. Io ho dato la mia adesione anche se dovevo andare con la mia auto perchè il pomeriggio dovevo essere di servizio alla Pinacoteca di Faenza. Così ieri mattina per essere al culto alle 10 a Cesena sono partito da casa(a Faenza distante circa 35 Km) alle 9,15 perchè ho pensato che essendo andato per Pasqua(12 aprile) al culto della chiesa Battista posta nel centro di Cesena frequentata da mia moglie partendo da Faenza alle 9,40 ed essendo arrivato per le 10,30 circa nonostante una fermata a Forlimpopoli a prendere mia moglie e avere trovato parcheggio distante dalla comunità sarei arrivato ieri per tempo essendo la chiesa dei fratelli in periferia oltre che raggiungibile tramite la secante che mi faceva evitare il centro historical Cesena.Tutto false because at 10 I was not even arrived yet at the beginning of the city and then still having to start the crossing of the secant I preferred to give up and never return to casa.com this? Accidents? Car problems? No. Nothing like that but it was my physical deficit is not calculated but prevedibile.In practice like every morning I took levodopa and amantadine for Parkinson's at 8.45 and only after an hour (about 9.45) I a clear benefit in the movements and reflexes, so I started driving when I was not physically ready to significant problems in moving, in the corners, at traffic lights in the counterattack and in the many discussions as well as having cramps so I had to make stops impreviste che mi hanno molto rallentato il tragitto al contrario del giorno di Pasqua.Mentre per il ritorno avendo preso all'orario giusto il secondo dosaggio della levodopa non ho avuto periodi di off (come sono definiti i blocchi fisici nella malattia)e ho fatto il tragitto inverso da Cesena a Faenza in poco più di 30 minuti che mi sarebbero stati più che sufficenti per arrivare in tempo al culto.Tutto ciò oltre a farmi capire i miei limiti e la mia dipendenza alle terapie medicinali mi dovrebbe fare sempre di più confidare e sottomettere al nostro Iddio Onnipotente Onnisciente nella mediazione del Signore e Salvatore Cristo Gesù e nella guida dello Spirito Santo.Quindi se ci sono altri che come me hanno un deficit fisico lo riconoscano e attuando tutte the requirements of routine by taking the right precautions will be guided only by our immense and magnificent ruler "God", so that we can make the proper honor and glory not only in worship but in everyday life of its limited servants. Then imitate Paul: Philippians 3
example of Paul in the Christian race
1 Moreover, brethren, rejoice in the Lord.
I'm not tired of writing the same things, and that is security for you.
2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of those who are mutilated 3 because we are the circumcision, we offer the our worship by the Spirit of God, we rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh; 4 although I had reason to confide even in the flesh. If someone else thinks he has reason to confide in the flesh, I can do much more; 5 I circumcised on the eighth day of the race of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin, son of jew Jews, as the law , a Pharisee; 6 as for zeal, persecuting the church; the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. 7 But what for me was a gain, I considered as damage, because of Christ. 8 fact, to be honest, I think ogni cosa sia un danno di fronte all'eccellenza della conoscenza di Cristo Gesù, mio Signore, per il quale ho rinunciato a tutto; io considero queste cose come tanta spazzatura al fine di guadagnare Cristo 9 e di essere trovato in lui non con una giustizia mia, derivante dalla legge, ma con quella che si ha mediante la fede in Cristo: la giustizia che viene da Dio, basata sulla fede. 10 Tutto questo allo scopo di conoscere Cristo, la potenza della sua risurrezione, la comunione delle sue sofferenze, divenendo conforme a lui nella sua morte, 11 per giungere in qualche modo alla risurrezione dei morti.
12 Non che io abbia già ottenuto tutto questo o sia già arrivato alla perfezione; but continues on a path to try to grasp what they have also been seized by Christ Jesus 13 Brethren, I do not think I have already grasped, but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what they stand before , 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus 15 Let this, then the feeling of those who are mature, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that too. 16 Only from the point at which we arrived, we continue to walk the same route.
17 Be imitators of me, brothers, and look at those who walk according to the example you have in us. 18 For many walk enemies of the cross of Christ (I told you often, and I tell you even now crying), 19 the end of which is destruction, their god is their stomach and their glory is in what comes back to their shame, the people who mind earthly things. 20 As for us, our citizenship is in heaven, where await a Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord, 21 that will transform our lowly body conforms to the body of his glory, by the power that he has to subdue all things.
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