Thursday, February 24, 2011

Recipe For Cinnamon Toast Popcorn

Busto Arsizio: Elezioni rsu Agesp, esclusi due sindacati di base

Alcobaso USB and not allowed to consult for the election of union representatives. USB, already at loggerheads accuses confederations: "It follows the logic of Marchionne"
Wednesday, February 23 there will be elections of MSW / Trade Union representatives) and RLS (workers' representatives for safety) in Ages Environmental Hygiene Bust Arsizio. "These votes are manifestly unlawful 's exclusion is properly submitted two lists of arbitrary unions Basic USB and Alcobaso "writes union USB cradle, in its representation of Varese province, pointing the finger at the" competition ". "The justification of 'exclusion - continues the statement - is that the CGIL, CISL and UIL and have made Fiadel' s agreement among themselves so that the other unions to participate in the vote must collect signatures or 20% of those entitled to vote and 5% as provided for by union agreements governing the election of RSU. For the Union of Auditors
Base motivation is absurd because "to vote for the unions not signing a national collective agreement must state that they accept the agreement interconfederale delle rsu, quello firmato anche dalla controparte datoriale, che ha quindi valore giuridico e questo prevede che per presentare la lista per i sindacati non firmatari è sempre del 5% degli aventi diritto al voto e non il 20%. Ora, a parte la cifra del 20% che è una enormità, che vorrebbe dire escludere di fatto dalla competizione elettorale chi non firma i contratti, seguendo quindi la logica di Marchionne e cioè che gli unici sindacati accettati sono quelli subalterni alla azienda, è comunque totalmente assurdo che i sindacati che firmano i contratti si mettano d’accordo tra di loro per imporre agli altri una percentuale del genere senza che sia sancito da un union agreement with the counterparty. It was not enough to win the table 33% of the delegates designated by MSW at will and without the addition of the votes of workers, they want all of the RSU, and this 'eliminate' the competing lists, removing the possibility for workers to express themselves democratically '.

USB has already filed an appeal asking for the 'cancellation of voting in AGESP "as illegitimate and called on workers not to participate in a vote which is illegal because it blatantly undemocratic. Boycott the election fraud, we lack a quorum. "



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