Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bilder Von Milena Velba

Mini Configurations

Maxine's Last Will Cartoon

Mini Configuration

playing with a mini construction paper background to give brightness -

Monday, March 7, 2011

G Rated Trailer Tires

Fuori dalle fabbriche

against the authoritarian regime of Marchionne

While it depletes the tragicomic farce of the government, its ministers, together with FIAT, continue their work of destruction systematic human rights of workers. The rewriting of the constitution and rules that were imposed by the struggles of previous decades, is undergoing an impressive acceleration for the obvious fear of the government and the employers of failing to finish the reset operation of any form of bond in favor of workers, pensioners and all sectors of the poor. This tell us the actions of the government, and unions of convenience Marchionne (CISL and UIL), or those that trade unions are signing up every thing that the bosses while the subject of securing a slice of the pie.

FRIDAY - March 11, 2011 -



national demonstration in Rome Piazza Republic 9.30

From Pomigliano at Mirafiori, impact of the economic crisis and dramatic reduction in the value of wages and pensions have been added to the effects of brutal cuts in transport, social services, education and healthcare. The result is the destruction of what remains of the welfare system that was and still is in many states, the hallmark of Europe. E 'increasingly clear that the pact signed between the government and Italian capital, the head of Confindustria, is working great, so much so that the cost of the crisis is fully downloaded on the shoulders of workers, whose anger is to also prevent caging strike.

E ' This is the meaning of the responses of Marchionne MPs who asked for explanations on the industrial project and funding . The complete control of the factories, the elimination of syndicalism the abolition of the national contract and restrictions on hours, organization of work and wages, the introduction of individual employment contracts , these are the themes that are imposed by Fiat and strong banks in the Italian employers who begins to think of a sort of Negotiable "TAXI" which go up and down according to the conveniences of the moment. In every factory, in every crisis situation, we find the Fiat rivals who say that if you do not accept the deterioration of the of work the company will be forced to relocate production to close, to reduce staff, etc..

On all these issues the owners know they can count on the support of the government and complicit unions (CISL / UIL), but we must say loud and clear that can not rely on consensus of the employees, Alitalia, Mirafiori and Pomigliano are not isolated cases.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Fix A Brokentv Cable Cord

MARTEDI 8 MARZO 2011 “Apericena” e film -ore 19.30 - Via de Cristoforis 5 - VARESE -

TUESDAY, March 8, 2011
"Apericena and film
Filmstudio 90
Via aristocratic
5 - VARESE -

again on March 8 because:
- every three days in Italy a woman is killed by men known to her. In 2008 feminicide were 113 and the figure is probably at fault
- 842,000 women aged 15 to 65 years in their lifetime were pressured to work in the background
- 201,000 women were asked to report a sexual recruitment,
or were blackmailed
to be taken - in the last three years 227,000 women have suffered psychological violence or explicit demands for sexual services in their place work and 80% do not speak to anyone either at home or at work
- 76.2% of the workload family is on the shoulders of women (ISTAT 2008/09)

Today you really think that the Your rights of women to be respected?

you there!

Info: donne.usb @ - 338 8164058 Isabella

Friday, March 4, 2011

Numbness After Tanning


Today, the first "Wanderer" has find an accommodation and you can order from CraftingCreativa. The case summaries
the power cord with UK plug and adapter type Sciuco, a multipurpose base plate with long and finally the product manual.