Sunday, January 30, 2011

Silver Cinemas Roseville Mi

Alba e Tramonto

Finally after a long time I am with two versioni.Per "Alba" distress tumbled glass, broken china, mustard seed e peeled paint.Per"Tramonto"distress rusty hinge e frayed burlap. Tim Holtz Townscape die con brushed corduroy, frayed burlap e black soot.Timbro HP1005EZ timbrato con archival black. Perfect Pearl gold spruzzato sul fondo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Punch Excision Hawaii

16.1.2011 Corso

Un Pomeriggio allegro e producente, utilizzando le varie techniche con i Distress. Mariuska era presente e le nuove amiche si sono divertite tantissimo. Germana, sempre gentilissima, mi ha regalato questo splendido calendario da tavolo - Grazie -

Friday, January 14, 2011

Affective Hair Removal Rio


La lunga notte del referendum si è conclusa quasi all'alba. II no in vantaggio grazie agli operai delle catene di montaggio, poi la scossa decisiva dal seggio degli impiegati. Operazioni di spoglio in ritardo per un errore sulle schede che ha anche fatto rettificare l'affluenza al 94,6%. Rissa al termine dello spoglio: la Fismic esulta, ne nasce un diverbio, un rappresentante Fiom colto da malore.

TORINO - Il sì prevale di misura a Mirafiori. Al termine di una lunghissima notte di scrutinio (i seggi si son chiusi alle 19.30, i risultati finali si sono avuti dopo le 6 del mattino), i voti favorevoli all' separate agreement of 23 December a were 53%, as against 47%. Very high adhesion to the referendum, which exceeded 94.6% (approximately 5,139 persons) of the entitled. The general secretary of Uil, Luigi Angeletti, "They stole the reasons for the job."

voltage before the end of counting votes. When there was a mathematical certainty of victory, yes, a member of Fismic leapt, and I was born a violent altercation with some representatives of the Fiom, one of which was seized by an illness and required the intervention of a ambulance. Ulteriormnente an episode that has slowed the final count of votes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cadillac Dts Gps Antenna

Dai lavoratori degli appalti Parrini un esempio di determinazione.

Esprimiamo la massima solidarietà ai lavoratori degli appalti Parrini-Corena di Nerviano (MI).

La determinazione dei lavoratori, che stanno occupando i magazzini dell'azienda da più di due settimane, è un esempio per tutti gli sfruttati degli appalti e sub appalti del settore della logistica e del trasporto merci.

Un settore che troppe volte e in maniera crescente vede la negazione dei diritti minimi contrattuali e condizioni semi schiavistiche di lavoro.

Una giungla di appalti, sub appalti e consorzi di cooperative dove stabilità dell’occupazione, salario contrattuale, salute, diritti e dignità sono rare eccezioni e non regole.

Particolarmente importante è la capacita dimostrata in questa occupazione lotta di saper parlare e connettersi con le altre situazioni di lotta presenti nel territorio.

Capacità di uscire dall’ambito strettamente aziendale che risulta necessaria a tutti i lavoratori in questa gravissima situazione di crisi, che vede i padroni, le aziende sempre più all'attacco e sempre più loro stessi determinati a mettere sotto totale ricatto i lavoratori di tutti i settori.

Invitiamo tutte le strutture, delegati e lavoratori a esprimere la propria solidarietà ai lavoratori in lotta dell’appalto Alfa coop. Parrini-Corena anche inviando comunicati alla seguente email, e fax di denuncia Milan offices of Parrini fax: 02.76119011.

Rome January 12, 2011

p. National Executive USB
Luigi Marinelli

Do All Women Bleed Their First Time

Perché Lavoratrici e Lavoratori Alfa coop. Parrini-Corena sono in occupazione permanente nel luogo in cui hanno lavorato per anni?

is not to convince the moon to enter the well, or the gnomes to deliver the pot of gold nuggets from which comes the rainbow, and even to snatch the Holy Grail the touchy Templar, the struggle of Corena of Nerva 27 December, aims to protect the jobs of 65 people
the minimum wage regulations and conditions laid down CCNL freight and logistics, without exceptions or conditions halter.
But that, in procurement and logistics sub-contracts, is unthinkable! A world of work based on slavery, fed by the blackmail that is re-employment at every change of
contract and / or sub-contractors, who sees the solitodispositivo successor companies without any requirement of integrating existing regulatory conditions and allestesse Negotiable remuneration provided for in the field. Ergo
"works only if it costs less than most of yesterday and tomorrow" this is the representation of the slippery slope where, at each stage of society, are seen slipping with new rights and wage labor relations, and increasingly precarious conditions always worse. We came to see the limits that produce male and female workers at a cost of 3 / 5 € per hour all inclusive (13 °, 14 °, holidays, rol, severance pay, etc..), where the number of hours overtime, and often practically imposed paid off envelope, or as "travel in Italy, alternated with layoffs and pay only for the
unilateral decision of the head '.
These conditions are also favored by the blackmail that ties migrant workers to figure
of non-citizens, as if fired, lose their right to stay in Italy after only 6 months and become illegal at risk of arrest and therefore favored by " lords of the sub-contracts. "

you add the evanescence that most of the companies sub-contracting 'show device you play in these cases see the birth of a coop. ad hoc, often financed and / or connected directly to the ordering company or intermediary in the contract, which runs the service for the duration of grant and ends in a compulsory liquidation or bankruptcy at the end of the subcontract. The consequences are often granted: VAT unfilled, outstanding debts against both
exchequer and its suppliers, unpaid wages to workers to claim outstanding, including the contributions ever made, you should entrust to the lengthy legal remedies or bankruptcy proceedings.

Senzaconsiderare in bankruptcy who will close disburse the TFR will be the INPS, uploading so the community il costo delle mere speculazioni di truffatori senza qualità. Questo e parte di quanto si cela dietro le logiche dei sub-appalti, dove i ricavi si fanno togliendo salario e diritti a chi lavora e dove le catene si società servono a creare cascate di fatture, alimentando un
vortice che svanisce nelle audaci contabilità di cooperative di comodo.

In questi giorni CGIL-CIS-UIL stanno concludendo la trattativa di rinnovo del CCNL trasporto merci e logistica, da quello che trapela è bastata la minima contrarietà da parte delle
associazioni padronali e di cooperative, per non inserire neppure questa volta una clausola sociale che garantisca l'occupazione, la dignità ed il salario ad ogni cambio di appalto. Mentre the same partners have found an immediate synergy unanimous inserting clauses that take away union rights to workers who participate in the grassroots unions, limiting them to only trade unions are signatories to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, clause that today sees the FIOM-CGIL at risk of paying their consequences guilty in metalworkers. Today, the CGIL expressed fierce criticism of
marchionniane exceptions, this could give reason to hope the final cancellation of the Protocol for derogations to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the coop. to the detriment of workers, but we fear that the usual conflict of interest, in this case, demonstrate due weight, without giving any choice in who will suffer the consequences. But I am

certo che questa lotta, come quelle di altri lavoratori della logistica, dalla Ta.Im. di Varedo, alla CLO di Lachiarella, alla coop. Papavero di Cerro al Lambro, rivendicando lavoro, diritti e dignità, rompono il silenzio su quanto accade a milioni di lavoratrici e lavoratori che tutti i
giorni lavorano in grigi capannoni anonimi, per pochi euro l'ora, garantendo a tutti noi le merci che giornalmente consumiamo.

Giuseppe Tampanella - USB Milano

Anybody Ever Cure Cataract

Cardano al Campo I vigili minacciano lo sciopero

Amministrazione comunale e agenti di polizia locale ancora ai ferri corti a Cardano al Campo: la rappresentanza sindacale dei vigili, spalleggiati dall’Unione Sindacale di Base, tengono duro nella richiesta di una nuova workplace and suitable activation of the pension fund and retirement planning: "We will address the ASL and the prefecture, but we are also ready to go on strike."

There are two key issues that drive the agents . One is raised months ago, the place of work, considered unfit and suffering from structural problems that complicate the work . "Just a month has not changed very little: the air conditioner was installed and have been moved to the archive folders from the windows, but the problems remain. For example, the lack of an armory and piùà generally small spaces "says Fausto Sartorio union of USB. "The same Aspesi admits it's unlikely, but at a distance of 8 months did not give answers."
Mayor Mario Aspesi his part recalled that in recent weeks has authorized a meeting between the parties, and reiterates that " the theme of the working of local police officers is known and under control , and was followed in time from a holding charge that has produced a report on time in 2010. " The mayor points out that " in recent years major investments have been made to renew the fleet of cars , giving it half equipped with specific instruments for the immediate context of violation, but also for the purchase of new bikes that I hope will be used. All this - Aspesi clear - given the fact that local police officers are on the streets and devote much of their time outside of the control activity. " But beyond the question of the means to ven on the seat you are going , trying to rearrange the interior to the City, " conditions are being created to review the available spaces not only staff on duty at local police station but also to all other staff of the municipality, in accordance with the laws of the municipal budget and the Stability Pact. " I But unions are still in demand and few days will turn ASL "if do not work - we will conclude Sartorato by the public prosecutor."
The other issue raised by staff and unions is rather the activation of the provident fund and pension for staff . "We demand that at least the recognition of the right to establish the Fund, on how to discuss the Fund in the future." Again, the agents threaten to turn to, in a few days, the Prefecture . "But if nothing happens - concludes Sartorato -, agents are ready to go strike. "

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dora The Explorer Birthday Cake Uk

red stockings with bow. € 10.

Stocking stiletto heel. € 10.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank U Msg For Helping

Pipe Stress Analysis Tutorials

CARDANO AL CAMPO: Usb: “Ancora problemi di sicurezza nel comando della Polizia Locale”

Fausto Sartorato, PEN, condemns the many problems in the Local Police Command

Cardano Cardano Al Campo - "insufficient lighting, lack of local armory and dressing." Despite continuing reports are still so many things that should not be in command of the Local Police of Cardano. To denounce the situation is Fausto Sartorato provincial secretary of the Union trade union base.


It 's been almost a year after the survey done last April 8 in the control of local police to Cardano. On that occasion the representative of the safety of workers had found numerous violations. "Electrical panel not accessible because of a locked closet, insufficient lighting, lack of local armory and local dressing. It also lacks a separate dressing room from the workplace. Of all the wrongs complained of in that time only two have been resolved - explains Sartorato - you installed an air conditioner and the windows have been released first blocked from some folders. "


The union has now officially requested by the City for all actions relating to these issues, however, rejected the application to the sender. "They tell us that access is not possible because it is secreted acts. Now we'll have a new complaint to the ASL and if even this is not enough we will turn to the Prosecutor of the Republic". The union also complained about the non-application of paragraph 4 of Article 208 of the new Highway Code which provides that part of the proceeds of fines are intended to pension funds of local police. "At the meeting union workers made before Christmas, unanimously decided to send a letter all'amministrazione chiedendo cosa abbia intenzione di fare. Per ora non ci è stata data nessuna risposta. I prossimi passi saranno quelli del tentativo di mediazione in prefettura e, se anche questo non porterà a niente, arriveremo allo sciopero".

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Busto Arsizio: Da USB "ramoscello d'ulivo" al nuovo comandate della Polizia locale

Prove tecniche di pacifica convivenza tra il più "vocale" dei sindacati e il nuovo comandante della Polizia Locale di Busto Arsizio, Claudio Vegetti , da poco arrivato da Magenta. Si è svolto ieri un primo incontro, riferisce il rappresentante del sindacato Usb nella rappresentanza sindacale del Comune, Fausto Sartorato, fra il suo sindacato e il nuovo comandante: con esito positive. "Friendly and proactive" the climate of confrontation. "The commander has a clear idea: to all, to recognize the work of the agents' notes met the union representative, in turn, agent of the local police force. "Having done a run knows the difficulties of the sector. The issues we have raised are, they noted, we will see how to deal with. " In short, accooglienza than positive and there was to attenderselo, after disagreements with the previous commander had finished even in court.

The local police is expected on January 20 to "his" patron saint, San Sebastian. On the sidelines of the celebration Journal, USB, representing about one third of municipal employees, invite my fellow Milanese Antonio Barbato, omandante of the local training school, as early as last year . As for good intentions for 2011, Sartorio hopes to "bring home" as applied as a trade union, "the famous washing uniforms, the provisions for pensions and care for former members of the body." Meanwhile, we will try as always to make a virtue of necessity, taking advantage of the albeit limited assumptions that the municipality has managed to the satisfaction of the unions, to send into port last year.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Extension Yaki Toronto

comunicato Lavoratrici & Lavoratori Alfa coop.-Corena-Parrini del 08.01.2001

Epiphany takes away all the festivities ...

... but really had to take away the heat!?

Although we are without heating since yesterday, we would like to confirm that the garrison has lasted 13 days and that we see in stores where we have worked for years. We will continue our struggle to defend the right to a decent job, without wanting to give in to blackmail imposed by sub-contracting, cooperatives and shell companies, for which only works if you're willing to exploit conditions unacceptable and wage regulations, to ensure profits puppeteers, torturers and corporals.

In those days we met people, social situations, coordination of response and other workers and employees as we struggle not to succumb to the logic of speculation and profit at any cost. together we have created to socialize greeted the final day of the year between the smiles of those who struggle for labor rights and dignity, offering music, champagne and cake. It is expected the dawn of the first day of 2011 with New Year's Eve in the sheds that had seen us just work. We shared the voices and music offered by Ciapa No, the player dall'Orchestrina Jones and Guacamaya, which renew our gratitude for having given birth to a concert in solidarity with the witch Corena workers.

La Befana has taken away the heat, but gave us the warmth and solidarity of other fights that are added to those already in place, such as that of women workers and the site of Ta.Im Varedo, even against their logics of exploitation, enforced by self-styled cooperative and / or consortia, always ready to seize control of the management contracts of the so-called logistics, downloading the costs on those who work. The same heat that we have heard rejoicing of rebirth from the ashes of the clearing just the day before, the social space of Rho Fornace SoS will continue the great work against Expo 2015 and the speculation against the precarious social and working and where there will soon be the "state of general insecurity."

We are sure that only the unity of these struggles can capture devices implemented by the architects of the crisis of the new millennium that downloading costs precarious our lives, escaping the perception of a future for us and our children, stealing and certainties forcing us to blackmail perennial precariousness. The logic of "Marchionne thought", where reign the exceptions to the above minimum conditions set by the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, must be fought wherever they recreate, from departments of large factories, warehouses for logistics contract, up last precarious employment relationship, we are all under attack. And that is all that our sympathies go to all those who fight against the arrogance and exploitation. No redundancies


We Work, Rights and Dignity

Workers & Employees Alfa-Coop. Corena-Parrini

USB Milan

How To Sponsor A Walk-a-thon For Breast Cancer

Corena occupata: 6/1/2011 ore 14 Concerto di solidarietà e di lotta davanti ai cancelli del magazzino

Thursday, January 6 from 14 cocerto Corena at the gates of the workers with:


and others ....

We are in permanent employment with the Assembly on December 27, just in the warehouse logistics
Corena Nerviano where we worked for years, Parrini
precarious and exploited by the co-operatives and sub-contracts, that it would
unemployed from January 1.

Today, the only sure thing, of which we know is that from December 31
we are all without a job, or Parrini Services Ltd (
of customer service), nor the various societies and cooperative chains
in sub-contracting, cedenti e subentranti, sono interessate a ricollocarci
all'interno dell'appalto.

Vogliamo Lavoro, Diritti e Dignità

Vogliamo condividere un percorso di Solidarietà e di lotta con chi ha dimostrato la propria solidarietà in questi mesi di mobilitazioni, con chi conoscerà la nostra storia, con tutti coloro che vivono le nostre stesse
condizioni a causa dell'aggressione famelica dei padroni e dei loro
politicanti vari e variegati che scaricano i costi della crisi
strutturale del neoliberismo da nuovo millennio e vecchie concezioni.

Il percorso che abbiamo intrapreso intended as an instrument of continuity
unification of the struggles of the precarious worker-members, the immigrants
fooled by the scam and is not amnesty, students and all other
reality or subjectivity that are ready to fight for
Work, Rights and Dignity.

Why Is There A White Spot On My Nipple

Milano: Parrini, i lavoratori dal sub appalto al licenziamento

Exploited and sub contracted before being fired


happens to women and workers who have worked for years in sub-contracting in the warehouses Corena Ltd Nerviano publisher Parrini on order for the recovery and processing of unsold newspapers.

A definitive sentence of unemployment / precarious, so i / we see the working members Alfa communicate at the last moment the date of the contract at the end of December 31, 2010, in anticipation of the expiry of two months February 28, 2011, at the direct request by the commission Parrini Services Ltd, which transfers the contract into a warehouse in Corby, managed a chain of sub-contractors which ends with the coop. Unified network into voluntary liquidation (ie without any guarantee of continuity) and apply regulatory and economic conditions significantly lower than those of already low CCNL Transportation and Logistics applied in Nerviano.

We have reached the epilogue of our history that Durra approx. 7 years in the service of the publisher PARRINA-CORENA through the various SELOGICA Ltd, a consortium AURORA UNION SERVICE coop. , HORIZON coop. , SMILE SERVICES coop. , SA.GA Ltd , consortium GESLOG , coop. ALFA , catene di società in sub-appalto nelle quali nel corso degli anni i lavoratori sotto ricatto sono stati riversati e costretti a subire inesorabili riduzioni di stipendio e rinunce a diritti per poter continuare a mantenere il proprio posto di lavoro. Oggi, senza mezzi termini, senza un adeguato preavviso, senza alcun tavolo di trattative, senza nessuno scrupolo, chi ha goduto per anni del nostro lavoro ha deciso che il 31 dicembre 2010 è arrivata l'ora di farla finita e licenziarci tutti, senza tenere neanche in considerazione la professionalità, le qualità, i sacrifici e l'impegno, dimostrato per anni.

About a year ago, after a strike by the garrison gates lasted 10 days, had concluded a collective agreement, believing it would be a new beginning and the end of the troubled events that were due to submit them, with the guarantees by Coren, transparency, trustworthiness and continuation of the contract. The lull lasted until early May, when the entry stage of the consortium GESLOG incorporating the coop. ALFA, restart to activate devices with ambiguous and uncertain delays in payments and simultaneously spreading rumors that anticipated the shift of manufacturing to other sites. The taking all the dark about both workers and trade unions, a key role was played by GESLOG precisely, in the figure of Mr. Angelucci, which operated from unexplained reasons and nature (threats on time each month can not provide the salaries proposals for bonuses linked to productivity then proved false, absurd the application of unilateral increase in the share capital from € 50 to 2000. with deduction of 250 €. from the salary already in November, canceled only after the strike to the bitter end cost 5 gg. pay), gave the workers and employees unions, allowing Parrino and CORENA to accomplish the goals, prefixes probably for some time.

Only after strikes, public meetings, demonstrations and marches, we were worthy of attention and being listened to, by the Mayor of nerves and the Prefecture, the PARRINA (which until then had not even deigned to respond to many letters of invitation to meetings and CORENA that the meeting in the Prefecture of December 2 last year had to reveal what was happening.

The question that arises Parrino and CORENA is why they decided to end their partnership that lasted for 7 years? operating costs, they say ... but how can you say that workers are too expensive, between customer and employee when there are 4 other half of society (Coren, SA.GA, GESLOG, ALFA) in sub-contracting?? probably would cost less if the work was entrusted by the client directly to a single company? (Proposal submitted by workers and unions, but rejected on several occasions). What we perceive is that the sub-contract is only useful to fill the pockets of society, making the cost burden on wages and the rights of the worker, when they realized that they could no longer steal anything, Parrino and CORENA have taken the final solution: cancel the contract by the unit, closing plant by the other, with the result that all workers will find themselves unemployed 31.12.2010.

What happens to us is not an isolated case but is the mirror that reflects the procurement and logistics in our path of struggle we had crossed and solidarity from other reality as we are, by contract workers in the coop. CLO that manages the Wholesale Market for supermarkets BILLA, to those of Cerro al Lambro of which 16 are licensed by the same Angelucci said on behalf of the coop. POPPY were reinstated after it has challenged in the courts for reasons of discriminatory dismissals, Following this "La Repubblica" on 10 December 2010, the investigation "Slaves and corporals at Christmas scandal false coop." redundant devices shows that breed in sub-contracting chains and explains in part the purpose. We for our part will continue to fight until we have a thread of breath in his body, in the continued assertion of rights, and wages and dignity for all those who are victims of exploitation in the perverse logic of contracts, sub-contractors of sub-contracts, without give in to blackmail and harassment.

On 9 December, there was a meeting before the Mayor of nerves, all companies transferors and successors of those contract (Serlog Ltd, Group Gnoli coop. Unitary Network) that should manage the service in Corby, but it went virtually deserted with the exception of Corena.

We then asked again convened by the Prefect of Milan, where they reiterated the claims in order to protect our jobs, regulatory and economic conditions of the already narrow CCNL Transport and Logistics , empowering the PARRINA as direct clients of the service and asked what guarantees there may be part of yet another chain of sub-contractors, with the addition of having as a performer final coop. in liquidation.

Lavoratici and co workers. Alfa-contract Parrini Corena Nerviano

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Buy Fake Community Service Form

Orgoglio di Mamma ( come dice Fulvia)... ma anche di Papà ! 17.12.2010

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whatever Lola Wants Sheet Music

Ah! .... What a mess !!!!! And

Ah! what a mess ... I would just to say!!

Confusion on the front of the house: you do not know how it works, m
to me, with two small children, period, pre - during - and let's even after Christmas, which develops in one incredible mess !!!!! Nice, but ... a bit of peace of mind I would not mind, even if chaos is directly proportional to the joy that reigns in the air ... then .... well there is!

Confusion, er .., .... on the front of the magazine: I apologize to everyone if and advances with which I gave, I have disappointed some waiting. The projects were and they were delivered, but due to technical problems inside, as you can see, the outputs were not regular.
But everything seems to be solved, and then again at large.

So I laaaaaaaaaaaaaaancio chance and give you a preview ..... my other two projects that you will find the next issue of country and decorative painting.
Two works with completely different colors, so I tried to meet the tastes of most people. But both with a single theme .... THE SPRING. Yes because I have a great desire, so beautiful ... the winter, with its festivals, but I'm waiting ... the season of colors and fragrances, flowers and light!


(special project)