Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Is There A White Spot On My Nipple

Milano: Parrini, i lavoratori dal sub appalto al licenziamento

Exploited and sub contracted before being fired


happens to women and workers who have worked for years in sub-contracting in the warehouses Corena Ltd Nerviano publisher Parrini on order for the recovery and processing of unsold newspapers.

A definitive sentence of unemployment / precarious, so i / we see the working members Alfa communicate at the last moment the date of the contract at the end of December 31, 2010, in anticipation of the expiry of two months February 28, 2011, at the direct request by the commission Parrini Services Ltd, which transfers the contract into a warehouse in Corby, managed a chain of sub-contractors which ends with the coop. Unified network into voluntary liquidation (ie without any guarantee of continuity) and apply regulatory and economic conditions significantly lower than those of already low CCNL Transportation and Logistics applied in Nerviano.

We have reached the epilogue of our history that Durra approx. 7 years in the service of the publisher PARRINA-CORENA through the various SELOGICA Ltd, a consortium AURORA UNION SERVICE coop. , HORIZON coop. , SMILE SERVICES coop. , SA.GA Ltd , consortium GESLOG , coop. ALFA , catene di società in sub-appalto nelle quali nel corso degli anni i lavoratori sotto ricatto sono stati riversati e costretti a subire inesorabili riduzioni di stipendio e rinunce a diritti per poter continuare a mantenere il proprio posto di lavoro. Oggi, senza mezzi termini, senza un adeguato preavviso, senza alcun tavolo di trattative, senza nessuno scrupolo, chi ha goduto per anni del nostro lavoro ha deciso che il 31 dicembre 2010 è arrivata l'ora di farla finita e licenziarci tutti, senza tenere neanche in considerazione la professionalità, le qualità, i sacrifici e l'impegno, dimostrato per anni.

About a year ago, after a strike by the garrison gates lasted 10 days, had concluded a collective agreement, believing it would be a new beginning and the end of the troubled events that were due to submit them, with the guarantees by Coren, transparency, trustworthiness and continuation of the contract. The lull lasted until early May, when the entry stage of the consortium GESLOG incorporating the coop. ALFA, restart to activate devices with ambiguous and uncertain delays in payments and simultaneously spreading rumors that anticipated the shift of manufacturing to other sites. The taking all the dark about both workers and trade unions, a key role was played by GESLOG precisely, in the figure of Mr. Angelucci, which operated from unexplained reasons and nature (threats on time each month can not provide the salaries proposals for bonuses linked to productivity then proved false, absurd the application of unilateral increase in the share capital from € 50 to 2000. with deduction of 250 €. from the salary already in November, canceled only after the strike to the bitter end cost 5 gg. pay), gave the workers and employees unions, allowing Parrino and CORENA to accomplish the goals, prefixes probably for some time.

Only after strikes, public meetings, demonstrations and marches, we were worthy of attention and being listened to, by the Mayor of nerves and the Prefecture, the PARRINA (which until then had not even deigned to respond to many letters of invitation to meetings and CORENA that the meeting in the Prefecture of December 2 last year had to reveal what was happening.

The question that arises Parrino and CORENA is why they decided to end their partnership that lasted for 7 years? operating costs, they say ... but how can you say that workers are too expensive, between customer and employee when there are 4 other half of society (Coren, SA.GA, GESLOG, ALFA) in sub-contracting?? probably would cost less if the work was entrusted by the client directly to a single company? (Proposal submitted by workers and unions, but rejected on several occasions). What we perceive is that the sub-contract is only useful to fill the pockets of society, making the cost burden on wages and the rights of the worker, when they realized that they could no longer steal anything, Parrino and CORENA have taken the final solution: cancel the contract by the unit, closing plant by the other, with the result that all workers will find themselves unemployed 31.12.2010.

What happens to us is not an isolated case but is the mirror that reflects the procurement and logistics in our path of struggle we had crossed and solidarity from other reality as we are, by contract workers in the coop. CLO that manages the Wholesale Market for supermarkets BILLA, to those of Cerro al Lambro of which 16 are licensed by the same Angelucci said on behalf of the coop. POPPY were reinstated after it has challenged in the courts for reasons of discriminatory dismissals, Following this "La Repubblica" on 10 December 2010, the investigation "Slaves and corporals at Christmas scandal false coop." redundant devices shows that breed in sub-contracting chains and explains in part the purpose. We for our part will continue to fight until we have a thread of breath in his body, in the continued assertion of rights, and wages and dignity for all those who are victims of exploitation in the perverse logic of contracts, sub-contractors of sub-contracts, without give in to blackmail and harassment.

On 9 December, there was a meeting before the Mayor of nerves, all companies transferors and successors of those contract (Serlog Ltd, Group Gnoli coop. Unitary Network) that should manage the service in Corby, but it went virtually deserted with the exception of Corena.

We then asked again convened by the Prefect of Milan, where they reiterated the claims in order to protect our jobs, regulatory and economic conditions of the already narrow CCNL Transport and Logistics , empowering the PARRINA as direct clients of the service and asked what guarantees there may be part of yet another chain of sub-contractors, with the addition of having as a performer final coop. in liquidation.

Lavoratici and co workers. Alfa-contract Parrini Corena Nerviano


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