Thursday, January 13, 2011

Anybody Ever Cure Cataract

Cardano al Campo I vigili minacciano lo sciopero

Amministrazione comunale e agenti di polizia locale ancora ai ferri corti a Cardano al Campo: la rappresentanza sindacale dei vigili, spalleggiati dall’Unione Sindacale di Base, tengono duro nella richiesta di una nuova workplace and suitable activation of the pension fund and retirement planning: "We will address the ASL and the prefecture, but we are also ready to go on strike."

There are two key issues that drive the agents . One is raised months ago, the place of work, considered unfit and suffering from structural problems that complicate the work . "Just a month has not changed very little: the air conditioner was installed and have been moved to the archive folders from the windows, but the problems remain. For example, the lack of an armory and piùà generally small spaces "says Fausto Sartorio union of USB. "The same Aspesi admits it's unlikely, but at a distance of 8 months did not give answers."
Mayor Mario Aspesi his part recalled that in recent weeks has authorized a meeting between the parties, and reiterates that " the theme of the working of local police officers is known and under control , and was followed in time from a holding charge that has produced a report on time in 2010. " The mayor points out that " in recent years major investments have been made to renew the fleet of cars , giving it half equipped with specific instruments for the immediate context of violation, but also for the purchase of new bikes that I hope will be used. All this - Aspesi clear - given the fact that local police officers are on the streets and devote much of their time outside of the control activity. " But beyond the question of the means to ven on the seat you are going , trying to rearrange the interior to the City, " conditions are being created to review the available spaces not only staff on duty at local police station but also to all other staff of the municipality, in accordance with the laws of the municipal budget and the Stability Pact. " I But unions are still in demand and few days will turn ASL "if do not work - we will conclude Sartorato by the public prosecutor."
The other issue raised by staff and unions is rather the activation of the provident fund and pension for staff . "We demand that at least the recognition of the right to establish the Fund, on how to discuss the Fund in the future." Again, the agents threaten to turn to, in a few days, the Prefecture . "But if nothing happens - concludes Sartorato -, agents are ready to go strike. "


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