Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pipe Stress Analysis Tutorials

CARDANO AL CAMPO: Usb: “Ancora problemi di sicurezza nel comando della Polizia Locale”

Fausto Sartorato, PEN, condemns the many problems in the Local Police Command

Cardano Cardano Al Campo - "insufficient lighting, lack of local armory and dressing." Despite continuing reports are still so many things that should not be in command of the Local Police of Cardano. To denounce the situation is Fausto Sartorato provincial secretary of the Union trade union base.


It 's been almost a year after the survey done last April 8 in the control of local police to Cardano. On that occasion the representative of the safety of workers had found numerous violations. "Electrical panel not accessible because of a locked closet, insufficient lighting, lack of local armory and local dressing. It also lacks a separate dressing room from the workplace. Of all the wrongs complained of in that time only two have been resolved - explains Sartorato - you installed an air conditioner and the windows have been released first blocked from some folders. "


The union has now officially requested by the City for all actions relating to these issues, however, rejected the application to the sender. "They tell us that access is not possible because it is secreted acts. Now we'll have a new complaint to the ASL and if even this is not enough we will turn to the Prosecutor of the Republic". The union also complained about the non-application of paragraph 4 of Article 208 of the new Highway Code which provides that part of the proceeds of fines are intended to pension funds of local police. "At the meeting union workers made before Christmas, unanimously decided to send a letter all'amministrazione chiedendo cosa abbia intenzione di fare. Per ora non ci è stata data nessuna risposta. I prossimi passi saranno quelli del tentativo di mediazione in prefettura e, se anche questo non porterà a niente, arriveremo allo sciopero".



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