Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Mac English Patches

Busto Arsizio: Da USB "ramoscello d'ulivo" al nuovo comandate della Polizia locale

Prove tecniche di pacifica convivenza tra il più "vocale" dei sindacati e il nuovo comandante della Polizia Locale di Busto Arsizio, Claudio Vegetti , da poco arrivato da Magenta. Si è svolto ieri un primo incontro, riferisce il rappresentante del sindacato Usb nella rappresentanza sindacale del Comune, Fausto Sartorato, fra il suo sindacato e il nuovo comandante: con esito positive. "Friendly and proactive" the climate of confrontation. "The commander has a clear idea: to all, to recognize the work of the agents' notes met the union representative, in turn, agent of the local police force. "Having done a run knows the difficulties of the sector. The issues we have raised are, they noted, we will see how to deal with. " In short, accooglienza than positive and there was to attenderselo, after disagreements with the previous commander had finished even in court.

The local police is expected on January 20 to "his" patron saint, San Sebastian. On the sidelines of the celebration Journal, USB, representing about one third of municipal employees, invite my fellow Milanese Antonio Barbato, omandante of the local training school, as early as last year . As for good intentions for 2011, Sartorio hopes to "bring home" as applied as a trade union, "the famous washing uniforms, the provisions for pensions and care for former members of the body." Meanwhile, we will try as always to make a virtue of necessity, taking advantage of the albeit limited assumptions that the municipality has managed to the satisfaction of the unions, to send into port last year.


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