Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do All Women Bleed Their First Time

Perché Lavoratrici e Lavoratori Alfa coop. Parrini-Corena sono in occupazione permanente nel luogo in cui hanno lavorato per anni?

is not to convince the moon to enter the well, or the gnomes to deliver the pot of gold nuggets from which comes the rainbow, and even to snatch the Holy Grail the touchy Templar, the struggle of Corena of Nerva 27 December, aims to protect the jobs of 65 people
the minimum wage regulations and conditions laid down CCNL freight and logistics, without exceptions or conditions halter.
But that, in procurement and logistics sub-contracts, is unthinkable! A world of work based on slavery, fed by the blackmail that is re-employment at every change of
contract and / or sub-contractors, who sees the solitodispositivo successor companies without any requirement of integrating existing regulatory conditions and allestesse Negotiable remuneration provided for in the field. Ergo
"works only if it costs less than most of yesterday and tomorrow" this is the representation of the slippery slope where, at each stage of society, are seen slipping with new rights and wage labor relations, and increasingly precarious conditions always worse. We came to see the limits that produce male and female workers at a cost of 3 / 5 € per hour all inclusive (13 °, 14 °, holidays, rol, severance pay, etc..), where the number of hours overtime, and often practically imposed paid off envelope, or as "travel in Italy, alternated with layoffs and pay only for the
unilateral decision of the head '.
These conditions are also favored by the blackmail that ties migrant workers to figure
of non-citizens, as if fired, lose their right to stay in Italy after only 6 months and become illegal at risk of arrest and therefore favored by " lords of the sub-contracts. "

you add the evanescence that most of the companies sub-contracting 'show device you play in these cases see the birth of a coop. ad hoc, often financed and / or connected directly to the ordering company or intermediary in the contract, which runs the service for the duration of grant and ends in a compulsory liquidation or bankruptcy at the end of the subcontract. The consequences are often granted: VAT unfilled, outstanding debts against both
exchequer and its suppliers, unpaid wages to workers to claim outstanding, including the contributions ever made, you should entrust to the lengthy legal remedies or bankruptcy proceedings.

Senzaconsiderare in bankruptcy who will close disburse the TFR will be the INPS, uploading so the community il costo delle mere speculazioni di truffatori senza qualità. Questo e parte di quanto si cela dietro le logiche dei sub-appalti, dove i ricavi si fanno togliendo salario e diritti a chi lavora e dove le catene si società servono a creare cascate di fatture, alimentando un
vortice che svanisce nelle audaci contabilità di cooperative di comodo.

In questi giorni CGIL-CIS-UIL stanno concludendo la trattativa di rinnovo del CCNL trasporto merci e logistica, da quello che trapela è bastata la minima contrarietà da parte delle
associazioni padronali e di cooperative, per non inserire neppure questa volta una clausola sociale che garantisca l'occupazione, la dignità ed il salario ad ogni cambio di appalto. Mentre the same partners have found an immediate synergy unanimous inserting clauses that take away union rights to workers who participate in the grassroots unions, limiting them to only trade unions are signatories to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, clause that today sees the FIOM-CGIL at risk of paying their consequences guilty in metalworkers. Today, the CGIL expressed fierce criticism of
marchionniane exceptions, this could give reason to hope the final cancellation of the Protocol for derogations to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the coop. to the detriment of workers, but we fear that the usual conflict of interest, in this case, demonstrate due weight, without giving any choice in who will suffer the consequences. But I am

certo che questa lotta, come quelle di altri lavoratori della logistica, dalla Ta.Im. di Varedo, alla CLO di Lachiarella, alla coop. Papavero di Cerro al Lambro, rivendicando lavoro, diritti e dignità, rompono il silenzio su quanto accade a milioni di lavoratrici e lavoratori che tutti i
giorni lavorano in grigi capannoni anonimi, per pochi euro l'ora, garantendo a tutti noi le merci che giornalmente consumiamo.

Giuseppe Tampanella - USB Milano


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